• RU
  • EN
  • Regulation

    At the 2nd Congress of the Public Association
    "Moscow Union of Musicians" 06/08/1990
    The new version of the Charter was approved by an extraordinary Conference of the All-Russian public organization "Russian Musical Union"
    from 23.03.2017 (minutes No. 1 from 23.03.2017)

    CHARTER of the All-Russian public organization
    “Russian Musical Union


    1.1. The all-Russian public organization “Russian Musical Union” (hereinafter referred to as the Organization) is a public association based on membership, created in the organizational and legal form of a public organization to protect the common interests of Russian musicians, united to realize the goals determined by this Charter.

    1.2. Full name of the Organization in Russian: All-Russian public organization “Russian Musical Union”; abbreviated name in Russian: “Russian Musical Union” and “RMU”.

    Full name of the Organization in English: All-Russian nongovernmental organization “Russian musical union”; abbreviated name in English: “Russian musical union” and “RMU”.

    1.3. The organization is guided in its activities by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 82-FZ of 19.05.1995 “On Public Associations”, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, as well as this Charter.

    1.4. The organization is a legal entity from the moment of state registration, has a separate property as property and is responsible for its obligations with this property, can acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights on its own behalf, perform duties, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, arbitration and arbitration courts .

    1.5. The organization has an independent balance sheet, settlement and other accounts in credit institutions, including foreign currency, round seal with its full name, stamps, letterheads, other means of visual and other individualization, approved and registered in the manner prescribed by law.

    1.6. The organization is an all-Russian public association and operates on the territory of more than half of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    1.7. The seat of the permanent governing body of the Organization: the Russian Federation, the city of Moscow.


    2.1. The subject and objectives of the Organization are:
    • ensuring the protection and protection of professional, creative, intellectual rights and legitimate interests of the members of the Organization;
    • promoting the professional development of members of the Organization, the realization of their creative potential and intellectual rights;
    • preservation of traditions national musical art, musical enlightenment;
    • development of the best traditions of world and national musical culture, implementation of programs and activities aimed at spiritual development of a person in the field of musical culture;
    • strengthening peace, friendship and harmony between the peoples of the Russian Federation and other countries;
    • strengthening of creative ties between the regional structures of the Organization, as well as with interregional and regional cultural organizations;
    • development of versatile contacts with organizations of musical culture (unions of musicians, composers and other cultural and art workers) of other states;
    • aesthetic perception feeding children and youth, participation in the implementation of educational and cultural programs for children and youth.
    To achieve these goals, the Organization: • promotes the development and implementation of various cultural, charitable and educational events that contribute to the spiritual development of citizens;
    • organizes and conducts concerts, festivals, tours, creative contests, art exhibitions and thematic seminars, master classes, exchange of experience and methodical readings, recordings and TV broadcasts of artistic events in the manner prescribed by law;
    • contributes to the development and practical implementation of various projects of legal protection of activities professional artists – performers, composers, teachers, art groups, the interests of creative youth, students of special musical educational institutions;
    • participates in the legal protection of intellectual rights to the results of intellectual activity created by the members of the Organization, including enhancing the management of their rights;
    • establishes, at the expense of its own and borrowed funds, special scholarships for students, provides the members of the Organization with methods support;
    • contributes to the implementation of the program for the restoration of cultural heritage sites;
    • conducts active social activities aimed at forming an appropriate public opinion, taking into account the interests of professional musicians.

    2.2. Realizing the statutory goals, the Organization sets itself the following tasks:
    • concluding licensing and other types of agreements with members of the Organization and users in order to pay members of the Union remuneration from the use of the results of intellectual activity created by them;
    • establishing and developing contacts with other organizations involved in the popularization of musical art, as well as with organizations that manage and protect copyright and related rights, conclude contracts (agreements) with them;
    • support young musicians, composers and musicologists in improving their professional skills;
    • caring for the veterans of the Organization, providing them with material assistance;
    • providing advice to members of the Organization, representation and protection of their rights in public authorities and courts.


    3.1. The organization is a legal entity from the moment of state registration.

    3.2. The organization has the right:
    • to have an independent balance sheet, current accounts in banking institutions of the Russian Federation, forms, a seal with its full name, approved and registered in accordance with the procedure established by law;
    • to acquire and exercise property and personal non-property rights, to fulfill obligations , to be a plaintiff and defendant in court;
    • to acquire the rights to use objects of intellectual property;
    • to represent and defend their rights, the legitimate interests of their members in public authorities, courts and other organizations;
    • freely distribute in various forms, information about their activities, to provide access to it for citizens and organizations;
    • apply to government authorities on the issues of conferring honorary titles, as well as awarding state awards of the Russian Federation to members of the Organization and other citizens;
    • join to international public associations, establish direct international contacts humanitarian orientation, conclude appropriate contracts and agreements;
    • send its members on creative business trips, exchange performers, teachers, students;
    • participate in the development of decisions of public authorities and local governments in the manner and volume provided for the law “On Public Associations”; workshops for the repair of musical instruments, art museums, salons and galleries, exhibition halls, design bureaus, photo studios, publishing houses, recording studios, charitable foundations;
    • participates in withholding from the amounts of remuneration received from users or organizations for the management of rights in favor of the members of the Organization for the use of their results of intellectual activity, the amount for the conduct of their statutory activities in the amount specified in the agreement concluded between the Organization and its members.

    Licensed types of activities can be carried out by the Organization only if there are appropriate licenses obtained in the manner prescribed by law.

    3.3. The organization is obliged to:
    • comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law relating to the scope of its activities, as well as the norms provided for by this Charter;
    • annually publish a report on the use of its property or ensure the availability of familiarization with the specified report ;
    • annually inform the body that makes decisions on the state registration of public associations: on the continuation of their activities, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body; its name and data on the leaders of the Organization in the amount of information included in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities; in the amount of information submitted to the tax authorities;
    • to provide assistance to representatives of the authority, p making decisions on the state registration of public associations, in acquaintance with the activities of the Organization in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • bear other obligations established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


    4.1. Members of the Organization can be:

    4.1.1. legal entities – public associations interested in the joint achievement of the statutory goals of the Organization;

    4.1.2. citizens of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and stateless persons legally staying in the Russian Federation who have reached the age of 18:
    • professional cultural and art workers who support the goals of the Organization, graduated from a special educational institution and have at least three professional work experience years;
    • organizers of concert work, who have made a significant contribution to the development of musical art;
    • sound engineers and producers;
    • students and graduate students of special musical educational institutions – laureates of all-Russian and international competitions, regardless of work experience;
    • masters in the production and restoration of musical instruments and accessories to them;
    • other individuals interested in the joint solution of the statutory goals of the Organization.

    Members of the Organization (legal entities and individuals) have equal rights and obligations.

    4.2. The admission of an individual to the membership of the Organization is carried out on the basis of a written application of the candidate for inclusion in the membership of the Organization, indicating the passport data, place of registration (location) of the candidate and approved by the decision of the Board of the Organization.

    Admission to members of legal entities – public associations is carried out on the basis of an application from the authorized governing body of a public association for inclusion in the Organization with the attachment of copies of the decision of the highest governing body of the public association, the charter of the public association and a certificate of state registration of the public association as a legal entity, and approved by the decision of the Board.

    4.3. The regional office of the Organization, which will include a new member of the Organization, is determined on the basis of the place of registration (location) of the candidate. At the request of a member of the Organization (candidate for membership in the Organization), the regional office can be changed.

    4.4. Termination of membership in the Organization is carried out:

    4.4.1. on the basis of a written personal application of a member of the Organization – an individual;

    4.4.2. on the basis of a written application from the authorized governing body of a member of the Organization – a public association, with an extract from the decision of the governing body of a public association on withdrawal from the Organization;

    4.4.3. in the event of a change in the legal status of a member of the Organization that is incompatible with further membership in the Organization:

    4.4.4. in case of death of an individual or liquidation of a public association that is a member of the Organization;

    4.4.5. on the basis of the decision of the Board of the Organization to exclude a member of the Organization in case of:
    • failure to pay the entrance and / or membership fees for two years;
    • gross and repeated violations of the Charter and decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization;
    • committing actions, denigrating the Organization or contradicting the main goals of the Organization.

    Information on withdrawal and expulsion from members of the Organization is entered into the register of members by the Chairman of the Board of the Organization.

    4.5. Members have the right:
    • to take part in all activities carried out by the Organization;
    • to elect and be elected to the governing and control and audit bodies of the Organization;
    • to submit for discussion by the Board their proposals on improving the work of the Organization;
    • receive assistance from the Organization, as well as information on the activities of its bodies.

    4.6. Members of the Organization are obliged:
    • to comply with the requirements of this Charter, decisions of the governing bodies of the Organization adopted within the competence established by this Charter;
    • to participate in making decisions without which the Organization cannot can continue his activities in accordance with the law, if his participation is necessary for the adoption of such decisions;
    • by his practical activities to contribute to the implementation of the goals of the Organization set forth in this Charter;
    • to pay entrance and membership fees on time;
    • not to disclose confidential information about the activities of the Organization;
    • not to take actions deliberately aimed at causing harm to the Organization;

    Members of the Organization also bear other obligations stipulated by this Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.7. The rights of members of the Organization are certified by entries in the register of members of the Organization.

    4.8. The size of the admission and membership fees and the procedure for their payment are established by the decision of the Conference.


    5.1. The highest governing body of the Organization is the Conference, which is convened by the Council or the Board every six years.

    5.2. An extraordinary Conference is held by the decision of the Council, the Board or the request of the Audit Commission of the Organization.

    5.3. The date, time and place of the Conference, the agenda, as well as the norm of representation for participation in the Conference are established by the governing body of the Organization, which has decided to convene the Conference.

    Delegates for participation in the Conference are elected at the General Meeting of the regional branch of the Organization.

    The announcement of the Conference must be published on the official website of the Organization no later than 20 days before the date of the Conference. The organization has the right to additionally inform its members about the holding of the Conference through other media (television, radio).

    5.4. The exclusive competence of the Conference includes:
    • making decisions on the creation, reorganization and liquidation of the Organization;
    • adoption of the Charter of the Organization, making amendments and additions to it;
    • election of members of the Council, Management Board, General Director and early termination their powers:
    • election of members of the Audit Commission and early termination of their powers, appointment of an audit organization or an individual auditor of the Organization;
    • determination of priority areas of the Organization’s activities, principles of formation and use of its property;
    • appointment of a liquidation commission and approval of liquidation balance sheets in the event of liquidation of the Organization;
    • approval of annual reports and accounting (financial) statements of the Organization;
    • determination of the procedure for admission to the membership of the Organization and exclusion from its members;
    • making decisions on the size and the procedure for payment of membership fees by the members of the Organization.

    5.5. The competence of the Conference also includes:
    • approval of the reports of the Council and the Audit Commission;
    • resolution of other issues referred to the competence of the Conference by this Charter.

    5.6. A conference is competent to make decisions if more than half of the elected delegates from more than half of the regional branches participate in its work. Decisions are made at the Conference by a simple majority of votes from the number of delegates present at the Conference, and on issues attributed to the exclusive competence of the Conference – by a qualified majority of 2/3 of votes from the number of delegates present at the Conference. Members of the Council, the Management Board and the Audit Commission are entitled to attend the Conference.

    5.7. In the absence of a quorum at the Conference, the governing body that decided to convene the Conference shall set a new date for the Conference.

    5.8. The Conference is presided over by the President of the Council. The presiding officer appoints the Secretary of the Conference from among the members of the Organization.

    5.9. The minutes of the Conference are made after the closing of the Conference. The minutes of the Conference are signed by the Chairman and the Secretary of the Conference.

    6. TIP

    6.1. In the period between Conferences, the management of the Organization is carried out by the permanent governing body of the Organization – the Council, whose composition is elected by the Conference from among the members of the Organization for a period of six years. The number of members of the Council is determined by the decision of the Conference, but there can be no less than five people. The General Director and the Chairman of the Board of the Organization are members of the Council ex officio.

    6.2. The competence of the Council includes:
    • organization and control over the implementation of the decisions of the Conference;
    • approval of long-term programs of the Organization:
    • exercise of the rights of a legal entity on behalf of the Organization and performance of its duties in accordance with this Charter;
    • approval of the financial plan of the Organization and amendments to it;
    • consideration of annual reports and accounting (financial) statements of the Organization with subsequent approval at the Conference;
    • control over the activities of the Board and the General Director of the Organization;
    • decision making on the convocation of an extraordinary Conference;
    • election of the Executive Secretary of the Council of the Organization for the term of office of the Council, and early termination of his powers; and early termination of their powers;
    • approval of the Regulations on awards and incentives of the Organization;
    • appeal to the unitary enterprise Authorized bodies of state power with a petition for awarding members of the Organization with state awards;
    • approval of the report of the Board on the results of the financial and economic activities of the Organization; persons, on the establishment of branches and on the opening of representative offices of the Organization;
    • approval of regulations on branches and representative offices of the Organization.

    6.3. The Council has the right to resolve other issues, if their decision is not attributed to the exclusive competence of the Conference of the Organization.

    6.4. The Council meets as needed, but at least once a year. The Council is convened on the initiative of the Executive Secretary of the Council of the Organization, the Co-Chairmen of the Council, the Board or by decision of at least 2/3 of the members of the Council. A meeting of the Council is competent if it is attended by more than half of the members of the Council. Decisions are taken by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Council participating in the meeting.

    6.5. The powers of the Executive Secretary of the Council of the Organization include:

    6.5.1. organization of the Council’s work;

    6.5.2. convening and holding meetings of the Council;

    6.5.3. signing the minutes of the Council meetings.

    6.6. In the absence of the Executive Secretary of the Council of the Organization, his functions are performed by one of the Co-Chairmen of the Council on the basis of a decision adopted by the majority of the members of the Council participating in the meeting of the Council. The Council has the right to appoint the Co-Chairmen of the Council to be responsible for the implementation of specific goals of the Organization.

    6.7. In the event of the expiration of the term of office of the members of the Council, their powers remain until the election of a new composition of the Council.


    7.1. The Board is a permanent collegial executive body of the Organization, elected by the Conference for a period of six years. The number of members of the Board is determined by the decision of the Conference, but it cannot be less than five people.

    7.2. The Board elects for a period of six years from among its members the Chairman of the Board, the Secretary of the Board of the Organization.

    7.3. The Board issues an order for the appointment of the Director General in the manner determined by the Conference of the Organization.

    The agreement on behalf of the Organization is signed by the person presiding at the meeting of the Board.

    7.4. The Board meets as needed, but at least once a year. The Management Board is convened by the Chairman of the Management Board or the General Director. A meeting of the Management Board is competent if more than half of the members of the Management Board participate in it. Decisions are taken by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Management Board participating in the meeting.

    7.5. The competence of the Management Board includes: • admission of new members of the Organization and exclusion from the membership of the Organization on the grounds provided for in clause 4.4.5. Of the Charter;
    • convocation, preparation and holding of the Conference;
    • creation and termination of activities (liquidation) of regional departments the Organization;
    • making management decisions in relation to subsidiaries and dependent legal entities of the Organization.

    7.6. The Management Board has the right to resolve other issues, if their decision is attributed to the competence of the Management Board by this Charter and the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

    7.7. Chairman of the Board:

    7.7.1. organizes the work of the Management Board, convenes and holds meetings of the Management Board, signs the minutes of the meetings of the Management Board, maintains the register of members of the Organization;

    7.7.2. acting on behalf of the Organization without a power of attorney, carries out general management of the activities of the Organization;

    7.7.3. disposes of the property and funds of the Organization within its competence;

    7.7.4. represents the Organization in Russian and foreign state and other organizations, in judicial and other bodies without a power of attorney;

    7.7.5. exercises other powers that do not contradict the Charter and current legislation;

    7.7.6. signs documents of the Organization, issues powers of attorney;

    7.7.7. is a member of the Council ex officio.

    7.8. The General Director of the Organization is its sole executive body, elected by the Conference within the Board within the term of office of the Board. Early termination of his powers is carried out in case of violation of the Charter, failure to fulfill his duties, resignation, impossibility to fulfill his duties. CEO:

    7.8.1. acting on behalf of the Organization without a power of attorney, carries out operational management of the activities of the Organization, including representing its interests and concluding transactions, issues powers of attorney for the right to represent the interests of the Organization;

    7.8.2. concludes labor agreements (contracts), hires and dismisses employees of the Organization and approves the staffing table of the Organization;

    7.8.3. within the limits of its competence, issues orders and give instructions that are binding on all members and employees of the Organization;

    7.8.4. carries out representation on behalf of the Organization in state and local authorities, courts, in any organizations and institutions, as well as in relations with citizens, signs certificates, inquiries, statements, contracts and other documents on behalf of the Organization;

    7.8.5. opens accounts in banks and other credit institutions, manages the property and funds of the Organization, signs financial and payment documents within his competence;

    7.8.6. organizes the preparation of accounting, tax and other reporting of the Organization provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation for non-profit organizations;

    7.8.7. is a member of the Council ex officio;

    7.8.8. exercises other powers related to the activities of the Organization that are not attributed by the Charter of the Organization to the competence of the Conference, Council, Management Board, Audit Commission and their members.

    7.9. The Secretary of the Management Board manages the document circulation of the meetings of the Management Board, signs the minutes of the meetings of the Management Board.


    8.1. The Audit Commission is the control and audit body of the Organization and is elected by the Conference, consisting of three people, for a period of six years. The Audit Commission controls the financial and economic activities of the Organization and is accountable to the Conference.

    8.2. The Audit Commission audits the financial and economic activities of the Organization, the condition and accounting of material assets at least once every two years.

    8.3. The Chairman of the Audit Commission is elected by the decision of the Audit Commission from among its members for a period of six years. The Chairman of the Audit Commission manages its activities.

    8.4. The Audit Commission is competent to make decisions if more than half of its members are present at its meeting. Decisions are made by a simple majority votes of the members of the Audit Commission present at the meeting.


    9.1. The organization has the right to create regional offices, branches and representative offices in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    9.2. Branches in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional branches) are created on the basis of the decision of the Board of the Organization. Based on the decision of the Board of the Organization, regional offices in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (regional offices) are created on the initiative of at least three members of the Organization registered in the corresponding constituent entity of the Russian Federation. One regional branch can be created in one subject of the Russian Federation.

    9.3. Regional offices of the Organization operate on the basis of their own charters, the provisions of which do not contradict this Charter, or on the basis of the Charter of the Organization. Regional offices have equal rights and have equal responsibilities in relations among themselves, just as the members of the Organization who are part of such regional offices of the Organization have equal rights and have equal responsibilities.

    The regional office of the Organization can acquire the status of a legal entity in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Branches can be endowed with the property of the Organization. Regional offices have the right of operational management of the property assigned to them by the Organization.

    9.4. Entry and membership fees are paid by the members of the Organization in the manner and in the amount determined by the Conference of the Organization, regardless of which branch of the Organization they are located in.

    9.5. The supreme governing body of the regional branch of the Organization is the General Meeting of the Branch, convened at the initiative of the Council of the Branch, the Chairman of the Branch, one third of the members of the Organization registered in the regional branch, one of the Co-Chairs of the Council, the Executive Secretary of the Council of the Organization or the Chairman of the Board.

    9.6. The general meeting of the regional office is competent to make decisions if more than half of the members of the Organization who are eligible to participate in the general meeting of the regional office are present.

    9.7. Decisions at the General Meeting of the Regional Branch are made by a two-thirds majority of the members of the Organization present at the General Meeting.

    9.8. The competence of the General Meeting of the regional department includes:
    • election of the members of the Council of the department in the number determined by the General Meeting of the department, early termination of their powers;
    • election of the Chairman of the department and early termination of his powers;
    • election of the auditor of the regional department , early termination of his powers;
    • determination of priority areas of activity, principles of formation and use of property of the regional branch;
    • approval of annual reports and accounting (financial) statements of the regional branch;
    • appointment of an audit organization or an individual auditor of the regional branches;
    • election of delegates to participate in the Conference.

    9.9. Regional office council – a permanent governing body of the regional office is elected by the General Meeting of the regional office for a period of six years.

    The competence of the Council of the regional branch includes:
    • calling the General Meeting of the regional branch and approving the agenda;
    • ensuring the execution of decisions of the General Meeting of the branch, decisions of the Conference, Council, Board of the Organization;
    • in case of acquisition the regional branch of the status of a legal entity exercises the rights of a legal entity on behalf of the regional branch and performs its duties; approves the financial plan of the regional office and makes changes to it;
    • exercises control over the activities of the Chairman of the regional office;
    • exercises other powers that do not contradict the Charter and current legislation.

    9.10. The branch council is accountable to the general meeting of the branch. The branch council meets as needed, but at least once a year. A meeting of the Council of a branch is competent if more than half of its members participate in it. Decisions are made by a simple majority of votes of the members of the Board of the department participating in the meeting.

    9.10. The chairman of the regional department is the sole executive body of the regional department, elected by the General Meeting of the regional department for a period of six years. The chairman of the regional branch:
    • carries out operational management of the branch’s activities;
    • signs the minutes of the General meeting of the branch;
    • represents the interests of the branch in relations with the state authorities of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, commercial and non-profit organizations, public associations, acting without a power of attorney;
    • interacts with other regional branches of the Organization, as well as with the Council and the Board of the Organization;
    • exercises other powers within the framework of managing the current activities of the branch, not attributed to the competence of the General Meeting of the branch and to the competence of the Branch Council.

    9.11. Branches and representative offices are separate divisions of the Organization and carry out their activities on the basis of the Regulations on the branch, representative office, approved by the Council of the Organization

    9.12. Branches and representative offices are not legal entities and are endowed with the property of the Organization.

    Heads of branches and representative offices are appointed by the decision of the Management Board and act on the basis of a power of attorney issued by the General Director.

    9.13. The auditor of the regional office is the control and auditing body of the regional office of the Organization and is elected by the General Meeting of the office for a period of six years. The auditor controls the financial and economic activities of the regional department and is accountable to the General meeting of the regional department.

    9.14. The auditor of the regional office conducts an audit of the financial and economic activities of the regional office of the Organization, the condition and accounting of material assets at least once every two years.

    9.15. The decision on liquidation (termination of activity) of the regional branch of the Organization is made by the Board of the Organization.


    10.1. Members of the Organization unite in the guild of the Organization on a professional basis, as well as other criteria established by the Council.

    10.2. According to their specialty or other criterion established by the Council, members of the Organization can be members of one of the Guilds on the basis of their written application submitted to the Executive Secretary of the Council of the Organization. A member of the Organization who has more than one profession or meets several criteria established by the Council has the right to be members of other Guilds with an advisory vote.

    10.3. A member of the Organization has the right not to be a member of any of the Guilds.

    10.4. The list of Guilds is determined by the Council.

    10.5. Guilds operate on the basis of this Charter and the Regulations approved by the Council.

    10.6. Guilds are not legal entities, as well as branches, branches or representative offices of the Organization.

    10.7. The general meeting of the Guild is competent if more than half of the members of the Guild are present. The decision of the General Meeting of the Guild is made by a simple majority of votes of its members present at the General Meeting of the Guild.

    10.8. Members of the Guilds at the General Meetings of the Guilds elect the Chairman of the Guild and the Executive Secretary of the Guild, whose term of office should not exceed the term of office established by this Charter for all elected bodies of the Organization. In the event that the General Meeting of the Guild did not take place due to the lack of a quorum. The Executive Secretary of the Organization sets the date of the new General Meeting of the Guild, if this meeting is not held either, then in accordance with the decision of the Executive Secretary of the Organization, the Chairman of the Guild and the Executive Secretary of the Guild are appointed.

    10.9. Guilds exercise the following powers:

    10.9.1. recommend for admission to membership in the Organization and send an application to the Board;

    10.9.2. promote creative self-realization, professional consolidation, strengthening and development of creative ties her between the members of the Guilds, the protection of their professional, social, copyright and related rights;

    10.9.3. promote international cooperation of Russian musicians with foreign colleagues and their organizations;

    10.9.4. prepare for approval opinions on the issues of awarding the members of the Organization united in this Guild, titles, prizes, awards and other distinctions established by state and government bodies, including international ones, as well as for receiving awards, prizes and other incentives within the Organization.


    11.1. The organization, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, has the right to own land plots, buildings, structures, structures, housing stock, transport, equipment, inventory, cultural, educational and recreational property, cash, shares, other securities and other property necessary for the material support of the activities provided for by this Charter.

    11.2. The owner of the created and (or) acquired property is the Organization as a whole. Each individual member of the Organization does not have ownership of a share of property belonging to the Organization as a whole.

    11.3. The sources of the formation of the property and funds of the Organization are:
    • entrance and membership fees;
    • voluntary contributions and donations;
    • receipts from events held by the Organization;
    • income from business activities;
    • dividends (income, interest) received on shares, bonds, other securities and deposits;
    • income received from civil transactions;
    • income from foreign economic activity;
    • other not prohibited law of receipt.

    11.4. The organization has the right to carry out income-generating activities aimed at achieving the statutory goals for which it was created and corresponding to the goals provided for in Chapter 2 of this Charter.

    11.5. The organization can make any transactions with respect to the property in its ownership that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    11.6. The organization can be responsible for its obligations only with the property on which, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, a claim can be levied. The organization is not responsible for the obligations of its members, just as its members are not responsible for the obligations of the Organization.

    11.7. The organization maintains accounting records and provides accounting and statistical reporting in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    11.8. The organization provides information on its activities to the tax authorities, the authorized federal executive body, as well as other persons, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the Organization.


    12.1. The organization can be reorganized by merging, joining, splitting, separating, transforming by the decision of the Conference, adopted by two-thirds of the votes of the delegates present at the Conference, in the manner prescribed by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the federal law “On public associations” and other federal laws. < / p>

    12.2. An organization, by the decision of its members, can be transformed into an association (union), an autonomous non-profit organization or a foundation.

    12.3. In the event of reorganization, all property and non-property rights of the Organization are transferred to the newly formed legal entity (successor) in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation. During the reorganization, all documents of the Organization (regulatory, methodological, administrative, financial and economic, personnel and others) are transferred to its successor.

    12.4. A legal entity is considered reorganized, with the exception of cases of reorganization in the form of affiliation, from the moment of state registration of legal entities created as a result of reorganization. When a legal entity is reorganized in the form of joining another legal entity to it, the first of them is considered reorganized from the moment it is entered into the unified state register. page of legal entities of the record on the termination of activities of the affiliated legal entity.

    12.5. The organization may be liquidated:
    • by a court decision in the manner prescribed by the current legislation of the Russian Federation;
    • by the decision of the Conference, adopted by two-thirds of the votes of the delegates present at the Conference.

    The Conference of the Organization, which made a decision to liquidate the Organization, appoints a liquidation commission (liquidator) and establishes, in accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and the legislation on public associations, the procedure and terms for liquidating the Organization.

    Liquidation is considered completed, and the Organization itself ceased to exist after making a relevant entry about it in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

    12.6. The property and funds of the liquidated Organization remaining after the satisfaction of creditors’ claims are directed to the purposes provided for by this Charter. The property left after the liquidation of the Organization is not subject to redistribution among its members.

    12.7. Personnel documents of the Organization after the liquidation of the Organization are transferred to the archive in accordance with the procedure established by law.